Our Story

Welcome! We are so glad you are here! We are Mike & Nikki, AKA Loco and Nani. Our long time nicknames have become our life’s calling. “Loco” of course means “crazy” in Spanish and “nani” means “beautiful” in Hawaiian. Together “LocoNani” means “crazy beautiful.”

Get To Know Us


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We were married in 2007, and our daughter Allie was born in 2010 and son Daniel was born in 2014. We currently live in San Diego, but we’re embarking on a full time RV trip across the country starting this July. You can read about our trip here. The idea of LocoNani was born out of an idea of using our nicknames as a title for our life after cancer. As soon as I was diagnosed a shift began. Life mattered more than it ever had before. Not simply existing, but as Jesus says in John 10:10, “the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. ” God has been teaching us about prioritizing relationships with Him, family, friends and our community. He has given us a passion for promoting health and nutrition. He has shown us that reducing distractions and excess often lead to the John 10:10 promise. This LocoNani life is not just a title for our life however…it is available to you too. Are you ready for some Crazy Beautiful living?

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Mike “Loco”

Mike grew up in the suburbs of Los Angeles and was raised by immigrant parents from the Philippines and England (that’s another story for another day). In high school his classmates gave him the nickname “loco.” Partly because it rhymes with our last name, and partly because well… he’s crazy. After high school Mike attended the U.S. Naval Academy. Since graduating has spent the last 20 years in the Navy SEAL teams, where his nickname followed him. He retires in June of this year. He has a passion for the outdoors and physical fitness. Recently, he became certified as a personal trainer.

Nikki “Nani”

I also grew up in the suburbs of L.A., a lifelong California girl, that is until I up and moved to New York City after college. I remember thinking, “I just don’t want to live a boring life.” Moving to NYC accomplished that, and then I met and married a Navy SEAL. I earned the nickname “Nani” from Mike when we first started dating (we were introduced by our moms, again another story for another day). My background is in Deaf/Hard of hearing education before I became a stay-at-home mom in 2010. In 2017, I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 35. During my hardest moments of chemotherapy I heard God speak to me saying, “Nani…Nani…its ok…I’m here.” God called me beautiful in my darkest hour. Needless to say, Nani became more than a nickname. I remain cancer free today, and we thank the Lord for his grace and mercy! I have become passionate about health and nutrition following my and many other’s cancer diagnosis’. In 2018, I became certified as a Culinary Nutrition Expert through the Academy of Culinary Nutrition.

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