There’s No Place Like Home

I can’t believe it’s over. Last year at this time we were moving out of our house and making final preparations for the trip. Now we’re unpacking everything, making plans for the kids school year, doing ‘normal’. Bittersweet to say the least. We’re absolutely glad to be back with our community of friends and family in sunny souther California, to not have to search for quarters to do the laundry, to not having to empty the poo tank every few days. But we will miss the spontaneous games of cards around the dinner table that devolve into episodes of uncontrolled laughter, discovering hikes that haven’t been ‘yelped’ about along roads that Siri isn’t tracking, and the countless mini-reunions with people we haven’t seen in ages. I suppose ‘normal’ is a necessary reality, you can’t wander forever, but nevertheless this Sabbath year has left an impression on us that will last a lifetime. We’ve moved back into our home, swapped out the battlewagon for our mini-van (I went from bullying cars out of my way to letting people cut in front of me at Chick-Fil-A), and Hope, the RV that was our shelter and solitude for the past year, is now up for sale. (By the way, if you know of anyone that would be a good fit for her, pass them our way). I was walking Skype around our neighborhood and I ran into a familiar face; with an almost shocked expression she asked, “has it been a year already?” I chuckled inside because there were times when I would ask a similar question, “has it been a month already?…two months already?…three?” Or better yet, when things were tough, “has it only been a [insert however long we’d been on the road]?!” It’s funny how your emotional state affects your perspective on time, just ask anyone who’s been thru a year+ pandemic, right? At any rate, yes it’s been a year, yes we’re back in San Diego, and yes we’re ready for the next chapter.

But before I get into that, I need to share something that I’ve been trying to wrap my head around for the past year which is the concept of “home”. Simply put, “what is home?” We know that it’s more than the physical structure you pay someone monthly to live-in. I realize also that it’s not a specific geographic location- RVers would say “Home is where you park it.” Even more interesting was a concept I learned of on HGTV capturing in the phrase “find your forever home.” Still, for many people, the word home is preceded by the word ‘broken’ and for them home as a place of respite is a foreign concept. There are so many different thoughts and ideas surrounding such a simple four letter word, so what is it? I’ve come to settle on a simple definition, more like a description, that has been formed while being away from our house for a year and it goes like this…Home is any place where you have been missed. I realize it’s a bit clunky, but I can’t think of a better way to describe it. This implies not only that home isn’t a structure or location, but also that your house can expand- it’s not a static, immovable object. And you know you are home if you feel welcomed and safe. When you are home, you are able to be the best version of yourself, you start to use your talents to enhance your community. Under that definition, we’ve really been home this entire year. We have reconnected with 70 families on this trip, and in each case we have felt welcomed and renewed. We’ve been invited into their houses and lives and shared with their excitements and trials. Each dinner, cup of coffee, playdate at the park added another room to our home. Over the past year we’ve been blessed to build one of the largest homes, and ya’ll (yes, still got my bayou accent) are a part of that home, forever. 

So now that we’re back in our house in San Diego, what’s next? First let me say that San Diego is definitely home so don’t worry about us leaving the land of in-n-out anytime soon. Our church family and neighbors have already started knocking on our door to say hello and made us feel missed. (NOTE: come by at anytime, no need to call in advance). God’s been preparing us for a few things which have become more apparent during the past year. Nikki is going to start a business focused on helping caregivers and friends provide support to people battling cancer thru thoughtful care packages and educational online content. I will start a health and wellness business that is designed for the ‘average Joe’- no gyms, no gimmicks, no science class - just practical ways to move, eat, and rest better. I’ll be doing a fitness apprenticeship for the next four months to give me more technical skills and doing a veteran assistance program at USC’s school of business to improve my entrepreneurial savvy. Additionally, I plan on doing leadership consulting with a focus on team building with some teammates of mine. Finally, I will be volunteering with Samaritans Purse to serve on their disaster assistance relief teams (DART). Yes, more deployments, but much different focus and not as long. The Sabbath year has blessed us by providing us the time and space to clearly think thru the next chapter. 

So this is it, the final blog. Well, at least for the trip. Loconani will slowly morph into my health and wellness brand, so I if you are subscribed to the blog and start getting focused articles on movement, eating and rest you’ll understand why. I’ve enjoyed sharing this journey with you. I’ve appreciated your comments both on the blog and thru direct contact. I will miss this time together, you are part of our home. But before I sign off let me absolutely clear about the most important insight of all. This entire trip has always been about bringing glory to our creator- whether acknowledging his creation, building relationships to enhance the lives of his people, embracing a healthy lifestyle as good stewards of the bodies he has given us. It’s never been about us bragging about the cool places we’ve been, showing off a free-spirited nomadic lifestyle, tweeting thoughtless opinions about topics we know nothing about. In fact, whenever we started to forget the purpose of the trip, we were met with reminders of how dependent we are in him- near misses while driving on the freeway, tornados close enough to keep us up at night, plumbing bursting during freezing weather. But in each trial, He was faithful to guide us thru. He gave meaning to every sunset, had his protective hand over a family who never spent a day in an RV in their life (#jump_in_with_both_feet) and served as our GPS when we were emotionally lost. So if you are tired of the rut you are in,  maybe feel like life has lost its flavor, you don’t have to get in an RV for a year, just allow him to take over the wheel of your life. His death on the cross covers all our shortfalls, mistakes and regrets. His resurrection gives us hope, purpose and joy. In a world full of nothing but bad news, that’s the best news I’ve heard all day. Like so many of the people we visited on the trip, he wants to break bread with us.  But He’s not only inviting you into his house, He wants you to be part of his family. (John 1:12-13 But to all who did receive him, who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.) If this resonates with you in anyway, please reach out to me so we can continue the conversation, it’s that important. Opening your heart to Him is the only way to find your forever home. 

It’s been an amazing adventure, thank for traveling with us. As you embark on life’s path remember that sometimes life’s journeys take us where we never imagined. 

Much Aloha,

Mike, Nikki, Ally, Daniel & Skype

Photo Jun 15, 8 57 48 AM


  1. Grandpa T on July 9, 2021 at 7:44 PM

    Did Daniel not return with you guys?
    Love Mike, Nikki, Ally and Skype 🙂

    • LocoNani on July 13, 2021 at 10:17 PM

      He’s so quiet sometimes he just sneaks up on you!

  2. JG on July 10, 2021 at 1:32 PM

    Loco and Family,

    Congratulations on completing your journey. I’ve enjoyed reading these blogs throughout the past year and feel honored and humbled seeing your courage in facing the unknown and venturing far outside the familiar. Your faith and character truly came through in this blog in the best way. I’m proud to call you a friend and teammate! Best of luck in the next chapter of your adventure. All the best, John, Nicole, Vivian, and Maxwell.

    • LocoNani on July 13, 2021 at 10:17 PM

      JG- Thanks man, so appreciate your words and friendship. Let me know when you are in town, we need to connect.

  3. JLU on July 10, 2021 at 11:00 PM

    Enjoyed reading your blog and all the things you did. Glad we got to experience it with you.
    Looking forward to having you home 😉

    • LocoNani on July 13, 2021 at 10:16 PM

      And thanks for the prayers and support— including the temporary storage of Hope in your backyard!

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