East Coast Education


East Coast Education


We made it! After being on the road since July, we finally hit the East Coast and settled into a great campground in the outskirts of Boston late October. Reaching the East Coast is milestone worthy in that we have gone as far east as we can go on this crazy journey. While trying not to constrain our adventure, there was a sense of urgency to make it to New England area for fall and avoid any snow. Of course, Daniel had other plans. Daniel’s job on this trip has been team weatherman and he diligently looks up the weather in our location, where we are going and 100’s of other irrelevant locations (“Dad, it’s snowing in Alaska” is a common one). For some reason, this translated into a deep desire for snow… poor little guy had been asking for snow from the day we left San Diego and I had been doing my best to ensure that didn’t happen. Well, he won. God answered his request, smiled our way, and sent us 5 inches of fresh powder in a matter of hours. Snow balls, snow angels, and snowmen—- we got it all in and it absolutely made his day.

One of the challenges for this trip has been trying to get a rhythm for homeschool with all the traveling, so we intentionally settled down for a two week period. I have been humbled as I realize just how hard teachers work to nurture the next generation. They are underpaid and under appreciated, period. Mom’s that homeschool are very underpaid and very under appreciated. Thank you Nikki for teaching me everything from communication skills, expectation management and patience. One specific breakthrough we had while in New England was the realization that starting our day with PE makes both kids way more attentive and efficient. (Our school day went from 6 hours to 4 immediately).  At our campground there was a covered area where we held our PE sessions rain or shine. By the end of our time there Daniel was actually asking me to workout with him as opposed to the other way around. Perhaps there is a lesson in there for all of us on the value of incorporating fitness into our morning routine (wink wink …. @locofit24.7). We also had Both Plymouth and the Boston Freedom Trail provided excellent reinforcement to their lessons on colonial history. What better way to learn about the Mayflower than, well, to be on the Mayflower! There was even a day trip to Newport, Rhode Island where the kids saw everything from historic mansions to Fort Adams which guarded the harbor during the revolutionary war. I have come to the conclusion that I am not getting the opportunity to watch my children grow up, I am getting the opportunity to grow up with my children.

There is of course a lot of experiential learning as well, and New York City is the best laboratory for that. Leaving the solace of the Massachusetts woods, we parked Hope in the heart of Jersey City, in a “campground” (some may mistake it for a parking lot) across from Manhattan. The kids felt the pace and tempo change, learned how to ride the subway, and got used to the fact that you don’t necessarily wait for the light to turn green before crossing the road (it’s not jay walking in NYC!). They also were exposed to some of the things that we often protect our kids from—- visible signs of a world that is far from perfect. Homeless people sleeping on the street, a chippy ‘discussion’ that almost got ugly in Union Square between to aggravated individuals, and some interesting human ‘art’ hanging in a Greenwich village storefront. Perhaps the most difficult conversation occurred at ground zero; seeing the two gaping holes where the towers once stood hit Ally very hard and, if Nikki and I were completely honest, us too. Try explaining to your kid why people would fly planes into buildings. But we can’t shy away from the ugly and pretend that this world is not broken, willful ignorance causes you to live in false reality.  Thankfully, there is hope.  The statue of liberty stands solemnly, unshaken by the events of the world. While the kids enjoyed learning about her construction, I was touched by her symbology. In her arm she holds a torch that brings light to a darkened world, she welcomes, no beckons the distraught to come into the new world, she holds the 10 commandments in her arm to represent her commitment to Biblical values, she stands on top of the broken chains of tyranny. Wars, depressions, terrorist acts, elections, etc have never made lady liberty as much as flinch. Particularly in the period of history we are currently in, she reminds me of our creator, who stands steadfast, a beacon of light to a world in turmoil, never changing, always loving. I could tell that the trip both shocked them and awed them at the same time.  I think they are still processing all that happened in the Big Apple, I know I am.

As I write this blog, I am currently sitting in a campground across from the US Naval Academy, the place that educated me on so many different facets of life. Fitting. There are so many other things I’d love to share but I’ll save that for a later date. Before I sign off, let me first remind everyone that Nikki is now less than a year from turning 40, Happy Birthday Nani! And a big shot out to all those we met up with on the East Coast thus far…. Cousin Warren, Teammates Jeff and Will (thanks again for the jacket!),  Teammates Dave and Steve (I enjoyed that game of soccer!), Mike B (that was quite the coincidence), my old Dancing XO Terry, and Rigo. Jon , Suzanna and crew, wonderful surprise visit to celebrate all the Nov birthdays, we look forward to lots of time together in December. You all are what make this trip worthwhile!

Next Stop, VA Beach.

Much Aloha,


PS. Vehicle had some more work but the Lord once again connected us with the right mechanic, thanks Travis and Advanced Automotive Performance of Uxburg for keeping us moving. Nikki is slowly getting better, but still challenged. We are thankful for Mike B from our small group for providing great insight into how to help it out.

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Excellent content writer specialized in writing for the topic like food, travelling, entertainment, movies, fun, games & sports.


  1. Perlita on December 2, 2020 at 3:15 PM

    Mike you are a great traveler narrator. We enjoyed reading your blogs, it feel like we are on the trip with you guys. You, Nikki & the kids have seen and learned so much about the geography of the USA and its history to today’s current conditions in various cities, especially of NYC in such a short time. Few people have that kind of privilege. We are most happy for you and thank you for sharing your experiences with us. We continue to pray for a safe and healthy journey.

    Until we see again sometime after your return to San Diego.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    Love from
    A. Perlita & U. Tom❤️❤️

    • LocoNani on December 22, 2020 at 1:13 PM

      Thank you so much for your comments, we are glad that you are able to join us on this journey. May your holiday season be filled with hope and joy during this time.

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