Highway Insights- (Part I) An RV dream, a COVID nightmare and the lessons we’ve learned

It’s funny, I don’t really remember when Nikki and I committed to this RV adventure. I initially joked about a year long surf trip after I retired (ala “Endless Summer”) but realized that was pretty selfish. So naturally I offered to take my family on a year long surf trip, but once again realized that, since I am the only surfer in the family, that was pretty selfish as well. Truthfully, it was a combination of past circumstances, personal beliefs, and a couple interesting NETFLIX documentaries that gave birth to the idea over 3 years ago. But as the trip reached the final stages of preparation the world was hit with the COVID pandemic and many people asked if we were still going. With constrained enthusiasm we said “of course” and reluctantly surrendered to the idea of RVing during a pandemic.  There will always be reasons that hold you back from leaving the security of routine- a pandemic, work, fear, finances, the car broke down, the dog ate my homework- but we pressed forward. In fact, as the departure date got closer we became even more confident in our decision as we realized that ‘normal life’ (whatever that means) was on hold indefinitely for everyone… there was no better time to diverge from the beaten path. We ‘doubled down’ on preparing for the trip and created five values that would help characterize and shape the journey- Intention, Sacrifice, Relationships, Health and Creation. Now, with the benefit of 6 months of hindsight, those values have taken a greater meaning in our lives. Their importance has not only been validated by our RV journey, but also amidst the world’s pandemic. A year long RV trip with your family provides the most unique opportunity to gain perspective on many facets of life. Undertaking it during a pandemic, well, that adds an even richer layer of perspective.

I would be remiss if I didn’t share some of those illuminating observations, particularly as so many are dealing with the chaos of this pandemic. As such, I’ll use the values of Loconani to form the content of the next several blog entries. Make no mistake about it, this coronavirus is absolutely crazy, but if you look carefully it is equally beautiful. Just like our family, you have taken a departure from the ordinary although not necessarily on your own accord. We chose crazy, you did not. Nevertheless, it’s time to embrace it, not fear it. Look for the opportunity and silver lining or you will be relegated to a state of worry and restlessness. Both your family and ours currently live in Crazytown, we can’t plan beyond next month, holidays are different, we are separated from our friends and the overall security of our former lives has vanished— but that’s OK. As I share insights from our adventure, notice how both our struggles and uncovered blessings are also part of your story. What I hope you will realize is that whether an RV trip, a pandemic, or an RV trip during a pandemic, the values of Loconani provide something positive to focus and allow you to navigate the present without being consumed with anxiety about the future. Perhaps you’ll even agree that ‘normal’ isn’t the pot of gold you’re looking for, because sometimes life’s journeys take you where you never expected.


  1. Auntie Wynda on January 2, 2021 at 12:27 PM

    So basically…we have the opportunity to shape a new lifestyle, to dig deeper inside ourselves to live life differently, deliberately despite our circumstances. Instead of living under circumstances that dictate how we live we rise above them 🙂 Instead of being upset and off balance because what we planned didn’t happen, we learn to roll with it and focus on following God while keeping the original goals in n the forefront . Yea, that’s better…I think He set you up for success to press on and lean in! Yay for Hope – she carried you through all the challenges!
    Looking forward to hearing more lessons from loconani!

    • LocoNani on January 3, 2021 at 9:30 PM

      Sounds like you have been thinking on this topic as well. Your words are both insightful and encouraging. Thanks for being part of the journey!

  2. Grandpa "T" on January 2, 2021 at 12:49 PM

    Loved, “Perhaps you’ll even agree that ‘normal’ isn’t the pot of gold you’re looking for, because sometimes life’s journeys take you where you never expected.”
    The pandemic of the early church was the Roman Gov’t and the Sanhedrin. The church exploded in growth in the midst of these. We too often relay upon what is “normal” to define our joy. “The joy of the Lord is my strength.

    • LocoNani on January 3, 2021 at 9:31 PM

      Wow, what a great perspective that I hadn’t considered. Not only a pandemic, but also a politically charged environment.

  3. Kristin on January 2, 2021 at 9:02 PM

    Life is a blessing and it’s a daily choice to embrace all God has for us to experience, in big ways and little ways. Dispite the challenges each day brings us, knowing God’s at the Helm of our lives certainly can keep us centered if we stay the course with Him guiding us. So wonderful to read how you guys have sought to do just that. Thrilled to be in this journey with you guys. 🙂💕🙏🏼

    • LocoNani on January 3, 2021 at 9:32 PM

      Thanks for your thoughtful words. We appreciate the insight…stay warm up there in Ohio.

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